City of Haysville

The Street Department is responsible for the maintenance of City streets, right of ways, street signs, traffic lights and pavement markings. Other duties may include taking charge during road closures/inclement weather, hanging light pole banners and assisting with various community events. We take pride in the condition of our city streets and schedule regular maintenance to promote and ensure longevity.
Snow Removal Process & Routes
It is the City’s goal to ensure the safe and efficient movement of vehicle and pedestrian traffic during snow/ice events.
You can view Emergency, Arterial & Collector Snow Routes here
What is a “Snow Emergency”
A snow emergency is defined as a point in time when 2” of snow have fallen and it is still snowing OR the weather forecasts indicate additional snow will fall. At that time, employees will begin plowing as close as possible to the time the snowfall ceases. The intent is to avoid plowing more than once for a single snowfall. Depending on the amount of snow, our goal is to plow and clear all arterial and collector streets within 48 hours. Final cleanup of areas will take place the next working day. The city is not responsible for snow/ice deposits in driveways or sidewalks due to the removal operations.
Type I Snowfall
Snowfall less than 2”, or any icing on the city streets
Generally, snow removal is not necessary for all areas of the city. Primary traffic routes may be plowed and treated with salt and sand to maintain the safest possible surface.
Type II Snowfall
Snowfall of 2”-6”
Typically, snow removal begins as soon as practical after snowfall has ceased, depending on the timing of the snowfall event. Every effort will be made to provide safe driving conditions prior to “peak traffic hours”.
Type III Snowfall
Snowfall greater than 6”
The city has a system of arterial and collector streets that link neighborhoods, major arterial routes, and facilities such as schools, etc. Depending on the duration of any snowfall event, it may be necessary to continually clear arterial streets in order to assure public safety. Once snowfall has ceased, priority streets within the city will be cleared before snow removal begins on collector streets.
Plowing Priorities
In determining priority routes, considerations are given to topography, traffic volumes, and special usage. Heavily traveled routes are given greater priority over less traveled routes. Streets adjacent to schools, medical centers, and commercial areas are given additional consideration. Necessary county roads and state highways outside the city’s corporate limits will be maintained by the individual jurisdictions with minor overlapping assistance provided by the City of Haysville.
Sanding Operations
Sanding units will be dispatched to treat priority streets, stop signs, intersections, other problem areas as needed. If the only hazardous condition is drifting snow, there will be no need for sanding, only manual removal. When icing conditions exist, the crew leader may initiate a call out, or the dispatcher will notify Public Works immediately to enact sanding or deicing procedures. All vehicle or pedestrian accidents will be served as a priority.