City of Haysville
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- City of Haysville-Home
City of Haysville, KS is a beautiful city just south of Wichita, KS. Also know as one of the Tree Citys in th USA. City of Haysville Trivia Night Waster Water Charges Banner Partyinthe060-25 Trivia Night 1/8 Join our mailing list Subscribe Thanks for submitting! Legal Notices Water Payments City GIS City Code Forms/ Permits Activity Center Facility Rentals Problem Report Open Jobs Haysville Hustle Customer Portal
- City of Haysville | Legal Notices and Publications
Legal Notices On September 11, 2023, the Haysville Governing Body adopted Charter Ordinance No. 29 exempting the City from the provisions of K.S.A. 12-1651 and providing substitute provisions which relate to the official naming of an official newspaper. On December 11, 2023, the Governing Body adopted Resolution No. 23-13 officially designating the City website (www.haysville-ks.com ) as the official City newspaper for legal notices that do not require publication in a newspaper of general circulation. All notices meeting this definition will be published on this page. Archived Notices - 2024
- City of Haysville | Water
Water For all questions or concerns regarding your water bill please contact City Hall at 529-5900. Backflow Test The City of Haysville is now requiring all backflow test results to be submitted on its new software Vepo Cross Connex . Paper tests will no longer be accepted. There is a $25 fee for submitting the backflow test results through this software. Please email lbrewer@haysville-ks.com with any backflow related questions. NOTICE: The City of Haysville is not affiliated with and does not endorse or regulate any company offering or providing water or sewer line insurance. Crews are performing upgrades on water meters around town. If you have any questions please call our office at 529-5940. The City of Haysville provides fresh, clean drinking water to the community by monitoring well production, maintaining the water treatment facility, water lines, water meters, and pumps. The water department is also responsible for reading the water meters, handling shut-off/turn-on requests and performing locates. View the 2022 Consumer Confidence Report here View the 2021 Consumer Confidence Report here View the 2020 Consumer Confidence Report here View the 2019 Consumer Confidence Report here View the 2018 Consumer Confidence Report here Water Hardness The hardness of Haysville's water is 12.26 grains per gallon of water. Water Service Tap Fees The City of Haysville charges the following fees for installing new meters to the Haysville water system: 5/8 inch 20 GPM $2250.00 1 inch 50 GPM $2500.00 2 inch 160 GPM $4000.00 Any size larger than 2" will be assessed and priced as needed The Sewer Tap Fee for the City of Haysville is $500.00 View Haysville’s City Code regarding Water Utilities here Reporting a Water Leak: During normal business hours, call City Hall at 529-5900. After hours, on weekends or holidays, please call the Non-Emergency line at 529-5912. **If you think you have a leak, call the Haysville Water Department first. The City can check our portion of the water system to determine if you truly need a plumber. This could save you time and money, and helps the Water Department remain aware of possible problems in the area.** Care of Water Meters Information Levi Brewer Water Supervisor lbrewer@haysville-ks.com 401 S. Jane 316.529.5940 Hours Monday- Thursday 7:30 am - 5:00 pm Friday 7:30 am - 11:30 am
- City of Haysville | Planning Commission & BZA
Planning & BZA The Planning Commission is responsible for: Annually reviewing the Comprehensive Plan to ensure it continues to be relevant Preparing, adopting, and maintaining the Zoning Regulations and Subdivision Regulations Reviewing and making recommendations about planning and zoning issues in the city including rezoning, special use permits, and plats, which are then considered by the Haysville City Council Working with other committees and boards to develop and update various long-range plans and maps to ensure smart and efficient growth for the City of Haysville Planning Commission concurrently serve as the City's Board of Zoning Appeals and is responsible for considering various appeals, variances, exceptions, and related zoning matters. Planning Commission Members Tim Aziere, Ward I - Chair Debbie Coleman, Ward III - Vice-Chair Jimmy Wallis, Ward IV Dan Rinke, Ward II Mark Williams, Ward IV Brandon Trube, Area of Influence Jeff Blood, Area of Influence Meetings Meetings are open to the public and held at 6:00 PM at City Hall on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month, unless there are no agenda items. Planning/BZA Agendas Planning Commission Closing Calendar For more information, please contact the Planning Department at 316.529.5900
- City of Haysville | Mayor's Youth Leadership Council
Mayor's Youth Leadership Council The Facts What is The Mayor’s Youth Leadership Council? The Council was created to raise awareness and involvement of Haysville youth in city government and develop leadership skills. Members receive hands-on experience in local government by meeting with Mayor Russ Kessler and working with city staff and local leaders. It is the purpose of this Council to develop, implement, and participate in a variety of youth-identified community programs, projects, and events. Who May Apply? Youth selected to serve must attend school and/or reside within USD 261. Applicants must currently be in the 8th to 11th grades. All applicants must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA. How Many Members Serve on the Council? A limited number of seats are available on the Council. Members are interviewed and selected by the Selection Committee, which consists of Mayor Kessler and city staff. Membership Terms Each appointed member makes a commitment to serve for one school year starting in June and ending in May. Terms are renewable and members may be re-appointed. Members are encouraged to reapply from year to year. New and returning members have the opportunity to develop lifelong leadership skills, build networks, and gain additional hands-on experience in local government. Benefits of Council Membership Provide input on Haysville’s future Provide input on programs, services, and events offered for your age group Learn about the City and Community of Haysville Meet one-on-one with the Mayor, City Officials, and City Staff Establish networks that benefit your future Learn valuable job and life skills Community Service Hours Each member will receive community service hours based on participation level and agreed to by each participating school. For more information, contact: Will Black Chief Administrative Officer City of Haysville 200 West Grand Avenue Haysville, KS 67060 Phone: 316.529.5900 Email: wblack@haysville-ks.com MYLC Flyer and Application
- City of Haysville | Planning/Zoning
Planning and Zoning Kailyn Hogan Planning & Zoning Administrator 316.529.5900 khogan@haysville-ks.com The planning and Zoning Office for the City of Haysville serves as a process for guiding the future growth of Haysville. City planning attempts to establish a course of action over the development of the physical environment on behalf of the citizens of Haysville and the Haysville Community. Zoning Map Legal Notices and Publications Sign Code Zoning Regulations Floodplain Management Forms Area of Influence Map Zoning District Chart Plans & Studies The Commission is responsible for the development, implementation, and updating of various long range plans and maps; ensuring smart and efficient growth for the City of Haysville. Comprehensive Plan Master Park Plan Historic District Master Plan South Broadway Corridor Plan South Meridian Corridor Plan Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
- City of Haysville | Planning Commission Agendas
- City of Haysville | Emergency Alerts
Emergency Alerts Sedgwick County Emergency Management has built a mass notification platform for all cities in the county to use. The system is more user-friendly and has a lot more capabilities than the older NIXLE system. At this time, the system is open, and you can sign up to receive notifications if you would like to. If you currently subscribe to Nixle alerts, we will stop sending alerts over that platform soon, so we would encourage you to sign up for the new CivicReady system. When you sign up for CivicReady, you will have the option to decide which communications you will receive. It will primarily be e-mail based, but we can also send text messages for more urgent communications. In most cities (Haysville included) the main notifications are: Public Safety Alerts (Police/Fire/EMS situations; may be sent via text and/or email) Public Health Alerts (Boil water advisories, epidemic news, vaccination locations, etc.; sent via text and/or email) Community Bulletins (Festival news, government office closures, local road closures (non-emergency), etc.; email only) You can also sign up for weather warnings if you would like! Click on the graphic above to sign up.
- City of Haysville | D2D Business Licenses
Door-To-Door Licenses If you need a door-to-door business license, please click here
- City of Haysville | City Contacts
City Contact Information 200 West Grand City Hall City Administration City Clerk Water/Wastewater Billing Planning & Zoning 316.529.5900 200 West Grand Police Department Police Administration Investigations School Resource Officers Found Dogs 316.529.5912 523 Sarah Lane Activity Center Youth Programs Latchkey/S.P.A.R.K. Adult Sports Fitness 316.529.5922 Public Works 401 South Jane Building Permits/Inspections Code Enforcement Water/Wastewater Street Maintenance 316.529.5940 200 West Grand Municipal Court Court Clerk Trial & Arraignment Schedule Payments Probation/Diversion Programs 316.529.5920 525 Sarah Lane Pool Pool Rentals Admissions Swim Lessons 316.529.5924 316.529.5922 - Off Season 160 East Karla Senior Center Programs & Activities Meal & Event Calendars Center Rentals Commodities 316.529.5903 140 North Main Economic Development Moving to Haysville Starting a Business Strategic Plan Community Profile 316.529.5909 Haysville Community Library 210 Hays Programs for Children Computer & Internet Access Community Meeting Rooms Movie Nights 316.529.5242 210 South Main Chamber of Commerce Memberships Monthly Luncheons Shop Haysville 316.529.2461 Sedgwick County County Commissioner State of Kansas USD261 Haysville School District Other Useful Links
- City of Haysville | Chris Elsen Skate Park
Chris Elsen Memorial Skate Park P9220249 P9220255 P9220243 P9220249 1/4 Chris Elsen Memorial Skate Park Hike and Bike Path Basketball Goals
- City of Haysville | Country Lakes Park
Country Lakes Park DJI_0464_1 Country Lakes_07132023 Country_Lakes_09142022_1 DJI_0464_1 1/4 Country Lakes Park Playground On street parking