City of Haysville
Animal Control

The Haysville Animal Control Officer is normally on duty from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
For animal control calls outside those hours
(e. g. loose or aggressive dogs, dog bites or excessive barking), call 911 and a Haysville Police officer will
respond to help.
Responsibilities and Services
Responding to citizen complaints relating to dogs or nuisance animals
Investigating animal cruelty and neglect
Capturing and impounding loose or dangerous dogs
Enforcing the Haysville City Code, Chapter 2 (Animal Ordinances)
Educating the public with regard to animal welfare and promoting responsible pet ownership
Animal bite investigation and rabies control and quarantine
Animal bites must be reported immediately!
If Animal Control is not available, a police officer will take the report
and forward the case to Animal Control once back on duty.
Dead animal pick up dependent upon circumstances
Loaning live animal traps
Services Not Offered by Haysville Animal Control
Haysville Animal Control does not trap, transport, impound or handle felines (including both domestic and feral cats)
Limited services for wildlife problems.
Wildlife Complaints
Haysville Animal Control has very limited equipment and resources to handle calls regarding wildlife that has come into the City. If you have a wildlife issue and would like to have someone come out to evaluate the situation, please call 911 and we will try to assist you or possibly give information on who you can contact. For wildlife related issues and questions you can also contact the Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks or a certified Wildlife Removal or Pest Control business. A current list of Nuisance Wildlife Damage Control permittees can be found at https://ksoutdoors.com/Services/Wildlife-Damage-Control/Nuisance-Wildlife-Damage-Control.
If you decide to trap a wild nuisance animal on your property, you have the option to borrow a live animal trap from the Haysville Police Department at no cost to you. A waiver shall be filled out and you will be responsible of humanely removing the animal, and relocating it to in an appropriate habitat and on property where you have permission to do so.
Please note that trapping and relocating wild animals is never a long-term solution and often inhumane to the captured animal. Relocated animals struggle to survive in unfamiliar surroundings, have to compete with others of their species that are already established at the relocation site, and may potentially transport new diseases or parasites to a new area. Depending on the season, orphans may also be left behind and will die of starvation in crawl spaces, attics or walls, leading to new problems, such as rotting carcasses in inaccessible areas. When an animal is removed by trapping or killing, the void that is left will most likely be filled by another animal in the near future.
More effective and long-term solutions for conflicts with wildlife are to remove attractants and to prevent animals from accessing structures. For professional advice, solutions or recommendations please refer to a licensed wildlife control expert. If you still decide to take wildlife matters into your own hands, be aware of the risks of handling wildlife and use caution in order to avoid getting bit or exposed to diseases.
For injured wildlife please contact a wildlife rehabber. Animal Control will not be able to care for or rehabilitate wildlife.
A list of current licensed wildlife rehabilitators and additional resources can be found here: https://ksoutdoors.com/Services/Rehabilitation.
For dead animals within the City limits, either wild or domestic and without a known owner, contact Haysville Animal Control for pick up. In addition, City streets are regularly patrolled and any deceased animals found will be picked up and taken to the pound.
Feral and Stray Cats
The City of Haysville does not have a cat ordinance in place. Animal Control will not trap or impound cats and does not have a facility to house found cats.
Found or caught stray cats have to be brought to the Wichita Animal Shelter, 3303 N Hillside St, Wichita, KS 67219.
For other cat-related questions, concerns or getting involved in TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return), use the following resources:
Friends of Feral Felines KS: https://www.fofks.org/
Kansas Humane Society: https://kshumane.org/services/feral-tnr.html
Lost and Found Pets
Haysville Animal Control will hold found dogs for 3 business days and will take all reasonable steps to reunite the dog with its owner.
If a found dog remains unclaimed after 3 days, the animal will be transferred to the Wichita Animal Shelter.
If your dog has been picked up, you can claim your dog at the Haysville Police Department at 200 W Grand. Proof of ownership will be required (vet records, tags, photos, etc.) and an impound fee ($25.00 set fee + $1.00 per day) will be due at the time of release. The releasing officer will also issue a Dog At Large citation. If you are not able to provide proof of current rabies vaccination and a valid city license, additional charges may be added to the citation.
Please note: If you are missing your pet, always contact the Haysville Police Department at 316-529-5912. Found dogs are not always posted on the web site immediately.
Although Haysville Animal Control does not pick up or hold cats, we keep a log of all lost, found and deceased pets. Dial the non-emergency number (316) 529-5912 to report a missing pet and you will be notified if your pet is found, or we can connect you with the finder if they notify us. And remember if your pet returns home on it’s own, call and let us know that it is back home so we can remove it from the “lost” list.
Selection of Animal Ordinances (Excerpts from Chapter 2 of the Haysville City Code)
It is unlawful to allow a dog to "run at large" in the City Of Haysville. Please be advised that dogs also need to be leashed at Dorner Park unless they are in the fenced dog park area.
All dogs 6 months old and older must be licensed with the City of Haysville. Dog licenses can be obtained at the City Building during business hours. Proof of current rabies vaccination and if applicable, proof of neuter status, will be required. The licensing fees are as follows:
Neutered and spayed dogs: $10.00
Unaltered dogs: $30.00
It is unlawful to have an unvaccinated dog.
It is unlawful to have more than 4 pets of any combination.
It is unlawful to harbor a nuisance animal.
Animals that are kept outside must be provided with adequate weatherproof shelter and access to fresh and unfrozen water at all times.
Tethering and Picketing of Dogs
As a companion and pack animal, a dog should regularly interact with people or other animals, and receive adequate exercise in order to maintain good mental and physical health. Tethering should always be a temporary and short-term solution, as intensive confinement or long-term restraint can cause dogs to become neurotic, bored, depressed or aggressive. Keeping an animal tethered for longer periods or during extreme weather is not acceptable.
As per the City Ordinance, tethering is only allowed for 1 continuous hour, up to 3 hours total per day. The tether must be at least 10 feet in length, of appropriate size for the animal and has to be secured in such a way that it cannot become entangled with other objects and in such a way that strangulation is prevented. Collars should be comfortable and fitted properly. Tethering by means of choke chains and prong collars is prohibited. (City Code, 2-207.)
See the full City Code, Chapter II: Animals and Fowl, here:
Dog Park Rules can be viewed here:
Other Resources and Contacts
Sedgwick County Animal Control: https://www.sedgwickcounty.org/animal-control/
Wichita Animal Action League: https://waalrescue.org/