City of Haysville

The function of the Haysville Police Department's Patrol Section is to ensure public safety through enforcement of laws and ordinances. They also take reports from the citizens of Haysville on a variety of both criminal and non-criminal issues.
The patrol section provides response to any suspicious or criminal activity reported within the city. They also regularly patrol the streets to both locate and deter criminal activity. Officers take reports and process crime scenes to include photographing and locating witnesses and evidence.
Officers are also responsible for enforcing traffic laws to maintain safe and orderly traffic flow throughout the City. This includes following up on citizen complaints on traffic violators, and gathering statistical data on traffic counts and speeds throughout neighborhoods. Patrol officers also investigate any traffic crashes that occur within the City.
Besides the enforcement functions of the patrol section, they are also on the streets to help people. Patrol officers take non-criminal reports and answer questions for residents that often times feel they have nowhere else to turn. This includes things like assisting citizens with neighbor disputes, and fire and EMS calls. They also regularly patrol businesses and talk to the public on various crime prevention topics.
If you need to talk with an officer, make a police report, or report suspicious activity, please call 911 and an officer will respond.