City of Haysville

City Budget
Mill Levy: The mill levy to fund the 2024 budget for the City of Haysville is 40.445.
The value of each mill is based on the total assessed valuation of the City and is per $1,000. The valuation is $92,002,093 making one mill worth $92,002.09.
To calculate the taxes on a $100,000 home, multiply the appraised value ($100,000) by the percentage for residential housing of 11.5% ($100,000 x 11.5% = $11,500). The result is the assessed value of the home, or $11,500, and this is what the tax is based on. Multiply the assessed value ($11,500) by the total mill levy (city + state + county + school district) which is 147.086 and then divide by 1,000. The total tax due on the home would be $1,691.49. The same process would apply to a $200,000 home: $200,000 x 11.5% = $23,000 x 147.086 / 1,000 = $3,382.98. Remember to add on the cemetery mill levy if you are assessed for one.